Easy Photochemistry Setup with Prizmatix Modular Mic-LEDs and the Cuvette Holder Optiblock

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In a recent conversation, a customer expressed their frustration in finding a way to focus light onto a cuvette to conduct photochemistry experiments.

I answered that we had a ready-made solution that should solve the problem quite easily. Introducing (well actually it is not new) the Prizmatix Cuvette holder Optiblock ™ .

Optiblocks are Prizmatix’s Lego-style system for making extremely robust optical setups easily, quickly and efficiently. Connecting our modular LEDs and the cuvette holder block solved the problem and the customer orders one cuvette holder, one controller and ten different wavelength LEDs.

Here are more details:

The Prizmatix Modular Mic-LEDs

Prizmatix Mic-LEDs are passively cooled LEDs in a wide range of wavelengths from deep UV to near infrared. These high-power LEDs offer have enough power to be used in photochemistry at a low cost. You can see the entire list of wavelengths and collimated power levels on the “Optical Specifications” section of the product page, here.

With standard SM1 threading these LEDs are easy to integrate with optical components from other vendors. Using our beam combiner blocks Mic-LEDs can be combined easily into a multi-wavelength setup tailored to your experiments.

The Cuvette Holder Optiblock

Now, let’s talk about the Cuvette Holder Optiblock. This accessory is designed to hold a standard laboratory square cuvette within your optical system. The Cuvette Holder Optiblock seamlessly connects to any of its four sides to an LED. A fiber coupler for signal collection can be attached to one of the other ports.

With four available 1-inch ports, you can install standard 1-inch filters (25mm) to fine-tune your setup. Whether you’re studying absorption, fluorescence, or kinetics, the Cuvette Holder Optiblock can be a useful item in your lab.

Here are some handy links to learn more:

Cuvette Holder on Goldstone Scientific

Mic-LED product page on Prizmatix including wavelength and power output list.

Mic-LED with controller on Goldstone Scientific.

Contact or call us with any questions.